We are so pleased with Sunny’s development and progress!

Since Sunny’s introduction , he has achieved a multitude of significant milestones.

Sunny has now been castrated, which is essential to prevent any unwanted behaviours and reproduction in the future. As he will never be used for breeding, this is a fundamental measure  to ensure that his future will be made easier in terms of seamless re-homing and availability of herd options.

Sunny healed up well and was a brave boy. The journey to the vets saw all three colt foals embarking together, an approach devised to minimise stress and cultivate a positive experience. These essential operations, including castration, are only possible through the generosity of public donations. Only thanks to public donations can we fund essential operations such as castrations.

Additionally Sunny has been passported, microchipped and fully vaccinated.

Sunny went through a stage of being excitable and playful when leading, which is typical for many colt foals as they are full of energy and want to play! 

Sunny’s diet consists of Chaff, Speedi-Beet and a balancer, which has seen him grow to a healthy weight.  

He has now learned to lead well and is nice and calm to handle, as he is handled several times per day. He has crossed a busy road and taken it in his stride. Furthermore Sunny has been very slowly and calmly accustomed to being in his own stable for several hours daily, happy in his own company without worrying about being with his friends Badger and Bear.

Sunny’s feathers are huge and flowing, and his beard is extraordinary! It is at least 12 inches long. 

His feathers require regular care and mite control, given the susceptibility of traditional cobs to ‘feather mites,’ whose unmitigated presence can lead to intricate complications if left untreated.

Finally and most hearteningly, Sunny has been reserved to go out on a permanent loan! He will initially be a companion to two other red and white cobs. As he grows and becomes socialised, he will accompany them to shows and eventually become a ridden pony himself.

Thus far, Sunny’s progress has been marked by remarkably positive strides, and we can’t wait to share with you the next chapter in his life.

With the help of sponsors like British Horse Feeds and donations from the public, Hope Pastures are able to help support the future of foals, ponies, horses and donkeys like Sunny, Badger and Bear. If you feel you are able to contribute to Sunny’s costs, which include feed, enrichment, the vet, the farrier and physio, then you can do so via our donate link here. You can donate via Paypal or a Debit or Credit card. Thank you.

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