With a 2-goal handicap, Mark Osburn started polo at Texas Tech. He is a regular competitor in Texas Arena League, including the 6-9 goal National Arena Delegates Cup with Open teammate Chad Bowman. Mark won the 2023 USPA National Arena Bronze Cup and has two National Arena Amateur Cup titles to his name.
5-goaler Chad Bowman @nugbugpolo played in college for University of Kentucky. He has competed in both arena and grass polo around the country and is a regular competitor atHouston Polo Club, Twin City Polo Club and in Texas Arena League. Chad is well-known for training horses for polo.

Patrick Uretz @puretz has a 7-goal handicap. He has numerous arena polo titles to his name including National Interscholastic Championship with Eldorado Polo Club. Two-time Nationals Intercollegiate Champion with Westmont College. He was awarded the Polo Training Foundation Collegiate Player of the Year in 2014. Patrick represented the USA in international competition making it to the finals of 2015 FIP World Championship and winning the 2013 InternationalIntercollegiate Challenge Cup. He also has a United States Arena Handicap title to his name. Patrick plays regularly at Santa Barbara Polo Club.
Come see Bar-Spur and the rest of the teams competing in The U.S. Open Arena Polo Championship at Brookshire Polo ClubDecember 5-15
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